Hello there!
My name is Ágata Mascarenhas
and welcome to my portfolio!

Find out more!

About me

Agata Mascarenhas working on a pc

A recently graduated Full Stack Web Developer that is looking for an opportunity to be part of an awesome tech company!

I am excited to start applying my recently gained knowledge which combined with my skills will make me an unstopabble developer! I love putting the pieces together with structured and efficient code combined with cool designs.

Also keep in mind, I´m never afraid of a challenge, so let me know what challenge you have for me down below!

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"Don´t comment bad code - rewrite it."
Brian Kernighan


Shopping List App

A simple shopping list app built with React. Each product shows info concerning its category, price and health importance. In the footer, you can consult your budget, current total and balance.

Source Code View Project
image of a website desktop

Tasklist Rest Api

A tasklist api that let´s the user manage tasks using CRUD operations. The tasks are stored in MongoDB, NoSQL database. It also has unit tests perfomed using JEST.

Source Code View Project
image of a website desktop

Let´s Go Exploring Form

Fill out this cool form and see what is your story! Have fun exploring the many outcomes using this simple HTML form with action that sends content to another HTML page.

Source Code View Project
image of a website desktop


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need further information. Hope to talk to you soon!

Let´s Talk